Jan 01, 1970
Meet Kalei Gregory, Paradise Helicopters Chief Pilot. Kalei was born and raised in Hawai’i, and went to school at Mauna Loa Helicopters to get his rotorcraft pilot’s license. After Kalei built his hours with Mauna Loa Helicopters, he began to fly MD 500’s full time for Paradise Helicopters out of Hilo which eventually brought Kalei to becoming a Chief Pilot & check airmen for Paradise Helicopters. Kalei currently works full time in search and rescue for the Fire Department and continues to oversee the Paradise Helicopters pilots as Chief Pilot.
**Q&A with Paradise Helicopters pilot, Kalei Gregory: **
Where are you from?
How did you end up in Hawai’i?
Why did you become a pilot?
What’s your background in flight experience? Where did you get the bulk of your hours?
What do you do for fun (besides flying helicopters)?
What is your favorite tour to fly and why?
What’s your favorite place to eat on the Big Island?
Is there a flight you’ve done that sticks out to you as a favorite?
The latest happenings at Kīlauea, Mauna Loa, and Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park